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ASD is a neurological and developmental disorder impacting social interaction, communication, learning, and behaviour, noticeable in the first two years of life.
Autism is more common than often perceived, with around 700,000 people in the UK living with the condition, affecting over 2.8 million people daily.
Research indicates a higher prevalence of autism in males, with an average ratio of 5.5 males for every female diagnosed with autism.
Autism is a lifelong and disabling condition, requiring appropriate support to manage its profound impact on individuals and families.
Autism affects both children and adults, with many adults living without a formal diagnosis.
Autism is often a hidden disability, making it challenging to identify in some individuals.
About four in ten autistic individuals have a learning disability, with support needs varying based on the individual's level of disability.
Research on the proportion of autistic individuals with learning disabilities varies, influenced by case finding methods and sample sizes.
While there's no cure for autism, treatments may include managing related conditions through medication or special diets.
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder is crucial for providing effective support and improving the quality of life for those affected by it.