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Stigma and Challenges Faced by People with Autism

Autism Awareness and Persistent Stigma

Despite increased awareness, individuals with autism continue to face significant stigma and challenges in daily life.

Bullying in Schools

Studies reveal that a majority of children with autism experience bullying, highlighting the need for greater understanding and support in educational settings.

Hidden Disabilities and Recognition

Autism, like many conditions such as anxiety and chronic pain, is often a hidden disability, not immediately apparent to others.

Identifying Hidden Disabilities

Green-and-yellow sunflower lanyards are used as a discreet indicator of hidden disabilities, aiding recognition and understanding.

Cultural Variations in Autism Perception

The perception and treatment of autism vary globally, with some cultures having differing views on the condition and its impact on individuals and families.

Stigma Faced by Families

Families and carers of individuals with autism also experience stigma, often in public settings during challenging situations.

Autism in Adulthood

As a lifelong condition, autism presents ongoing challenges for adults, who may face limited support and understanding beyond paediatric care.

Transition to Adult Healthcare

The shift from paediatric to adult healthcare can be difficult, with non-paediatric doctors often having less knowledge about autism.

Role of Charities and Support Organisations

Charities such as the National Autistic Society play a crucial role in providing support and advocacy for individuals with autism.


Addressing the stigma associated with autism requires continued awareness, support, and cultural sensitivity to create a more inclusive society.